Monday 28 December 2009

Enlighten Up (2008) on yoga

Nice movie.


Starts with some foreigners talking about they love yoga and have been practicing and teaching it to many people. some wrote books. But when asked how old is yoga - some said 40000, 5000, 2000 years old. Amazing - whats the truth.

There was a signage - yoga cure fusion spa - I wonder what that shop actually does. A lady called Gurmukh was too much..

To investigate a person is chosen as a subject for 6 months - Instead of calling him a subject, i would call him - Nick - a journalist. HIs mother is a shermonic healer??? Nick does not expect earth shaking changes because of yoga. His tutor is Cynth Lee CL.

Physical fitness - important. Some yoga teaching follows - meditation and concentration, breathing practice. Nick is told yoga is better than sex and he says how can it be. It is individual preference. An old lady doing yoga interviews. Nick looks extremely tired and she says he should just keep on coming.

Mr. Dharma style is new - musical, slow speech. His yogas are very difficult and its funny to watch people doing it. His upside down stand is amazing. Nick asks he is not spiritual and how should he become one.

18 million american practice yoga. Is this true? There is yoga for dogs too!?!? I wonder where creating new business will end. Nick is an evidence based man. So he believes things which can be proved. For yoga, he has to practice and see for himself. There is a kirtan - westernised but still nice. A guy who went to India and came back and started kirtan in US. Paul Brunton's book where author is looking for secrets in India. He is looking for facts. Joseph Alter - Says yoga is 100 years old based on documented evidence. It was reinvented by end of 19th century. - How stupid- do you need documented evidence - typical scientific person. Mr White from UC Santa Barbara - describes yogi - wanderer who gives death and destruction - shows image of some demonic thing - bogey man?

Nick finds DDP wrestler - he is practising yoga. His career was finished due to less flexility. He was not iinterested in spititual thing - actually he hates it. His aims are to become fit for wrestling and teaches to some 'girls'. He laughs about enlightenment. Different approach.

They fly to Hawai to see another yogi. ha ha ha. Ashtanga yoga. Norman went to India and learnt it. He sees Bhagwad Gita. It is amazing to see people doing tough yoga. Norman says that we should not do things for our small self but nick says that he does every thing about himself - hungry, horny, etc. what to do? Norman says him to fuck yourself. I think Norman's speech confuses people - and may be that is his selling point. Pattabhi Lois in mysore - norman's guru. Scenes on India all road side views, cows. pig, people,, phariyas, etc. And then a palace and elephants. Amazing to see all foreigners in pattabhi's class. Is is very expensive for normal indians to attend or indians are not interested? People come here to reconnect with themselves, god, etc. Pattabhi says practice is needed - life time. Two types outside and inside. Outside is by asanas, yoga etc. Inside is by dhyana, etc.

Guru of gigging - laughter therapy - katharia - world renowned pioneer of therapy? I wonder if this is an overstatement. Nick is laughing at the laughter. ho ho ha ha ha. ho ho ha ha ha. Nick is asked if he thinks yoga is spiritual. He is not sure of spiritual but there are lots of ancillary benefits.

BKS Iyengar in Pune - a pioneer of yoga in west - lion of Pune. He suffered from birth from . His guru was fantastic and a philosopher. How can philosophy be understood when physical health is not good. NIck after the session says he says conscious has got nothhing to do with anything else. He is planning to go on a date with a girl. He goes out on a social outing in mysore hoping to make some love!?!?!?!?

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