Monday 28 December 2009

Enlighten Up (2008) on yoga

Nice movie.


Starts with some foreigners talking about they love yoga and have been practicing and teaching it to many people. some wrote books. But when asked how old is yoga - some said 40000, 5000, 2000 years old. Amazing - whats the truth.

There was a signage - yoga cure fusion spa - I wonder what that shop actually does. A lady called Gurmukh was too much..

To investigate a person is chosen as a subject for 6 months - Instead of calling him a subject, i would call him - Nick - a journalist. HIs mother is a shermonic healer??? Nick does not expect earth shaking changes because of yoga. His tutor is Cynth Lee CL.

Physical fitness - important. Some yoga teaching follows - meditation and concentration, breathing practice. Nick is told yoga is better than sex and he says how can it be. It is individual preference. An old lady doing yoga interviews. Nick looks extremely tired and she says he should just keep on coming.

Mr. Dharma style is new - musical, slow speech. His yogas are very difficult and its funny to watch people doing it. His upside down stand is amazing. Nick asks he is not spiritual and how should he become one.

18 million american practice yoga. Is this true? There is yoga for dogs too!?!? I wonder where creating new business will end. Nick is an evidence based man. So he believes things which can be proved. For yoga, he has to practice and see for himself. There is a kirtan - westernised but still nice. A guy who went to India and came back and started kirtan in US. Paul Brunton's book where author is looking for secrets in India. He is looking for facts. Joseph Alter - Says yoga is 100 years old based on documented evidence. It was reinvented by end of 19th century. - How stupid- do you need documented evidence - typical scientific person. Mr White from UC Santa Barbara - describes yogi - wanderer who gives death and destruction - shows image of some demonic thing - bogey man?

Nick finds DDP wrestler - he is practising yoga. His career was finished due to less flexility. He was not iinterested in spititual thing - actually he hates it. His aims are to become fit for wrestling and teaches to some 'girls'. He laughs about enlightenment. Different approach.

They fly to Hawai to see another yogi. ha ha ha. Ashtanga yoga. Norman went to India and learnt it. He sees Bhagwad Gita. It is amazing to see people doing tough yoga. Norman says that we should not do things for our small self but nick says that he does every thing about himself - hungry, horny, etc. what to do? Norman says him to fuck yourself. I think Norman's speech confuses people - and may be that is his selling point. Pattabhi Lois in mysore - norman's guru. Scenes on India all road side views, cows. pig, people,, phariyas, etc. And then a palace and elephants. Amazing to see all foreigners in pattabhi's class. Is is very expensive for normal indians to attend or indians are not interested? People come here to reconnect with themselves, god, etc. Pattabhi says practice is needed - life time. Two types outside and inside. Outside is by asanas, yoga etc. Inside is by dhyana, etc.

Guru of gigging - laughter therapy - katharia - world renowned pioneer of therapy? I wonder if this is an overstatement. Nick is laughing at the laughter. ho ho ha ha ha. ho ho ha ha ha. Nick is asked if he thinks yoga is spiritual. He is not sure of spiritual but there are lots of ancillary benefits.

BKS Iyengar in Pune - a pioneer of yoga in west - lion of Pune. He suffered from birth from . His guru was fantastic and a philosopher. How can philosophy be understood when physical health is not good. NIck after the session says he says conscious has got nothhing to do with anything else. He is planning to go on a date with a girl. He goes out on a social outing in mysore hoping to make some love!?!?!?!?

Friday 25 December 2009

The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler (1958)

Documentary on youtube.

Paula Wolf: Adolf was dominant in childhood. He rose from debts. 3rd Reich. His speech were extremely influential. He wanted to be a poet, an artist or an architect but ends up becoming a servant. 1914 - German Workers Party - Swastik symbol. 1920 - Hitler is the leader. 1923 - Hitler goes to jail and writes 'Mein Kampf' - Bible for Nazis. Proposes to fight. Hitler says man is a fighting animal. 1928 - Hitler has 10 seats. 1932 - world depression - 230 seats. 1932 - Hinderberg defeats Hitler by a narrow margin. Hitler is the chancellor. He weilds tremendous control and power. Achtung Jews. 'Only the application of brute force used continuously and ruthlessly can bring about the decision in favour of the side it supports.' - Mein Kampf. 1933 - 4000 held in concentration camps. 1934 - Hinderberg dies and Hitler takes over. Nazi Party decides to take over the control of Germany. 'Hitler's aggression is commendable - the energy with which he makes speech. He would have been influential, undoubtedly.' Hitler gives impression of a messaih. Youth trained as soldiers. Tremendous army on feet, horse and cars. March towards Rhine Land. Bold revival of german military. None of these events arouse any international worries. 1938 - 1500 strong airforce, 3.5 million strong army soldiers. Invades Austria and within two days conquers it. Revived Navy. Czech to Germany. Russia is concerned now. Hitler goes to Poland. But Hitler and Russia sign friendship. Youth group gave hardened soldiers. Athletes jump from planes. Glider club gives pilots. Submarines go to Atlantic - new technology. France and Britain declare war on Germany in two days of poland attack. Poland reduced to ashes in 3 weeks - total devastation.

An unemployed house worker becomes world conqueror. Ex-receptionist Eva's connection with Hitler. Party at Hitler's house. Eva says Hitler was normal and attracted to beautiful women. 'I wonder how many can justify this'. Eva is very attractive - a ordinary good girl. Hitler hates fatness. Eva is very playful and sporty. She writes about her neglect. Hitler's house is visited by numerous famous people. HITLER DANCING. Real party atmosphere with girls and water.1940 - Denmark and Norway fall. Soldiers in plane taken to war - blinding swiftness - Holland, Belgium. France falls for second time in the century. 1941 - Hitler attacks Russia - major shock. Kremlin, Stalingrad. Japanese attack Pearl Harbour in december and America joins the battle. 1942 - America invades North Africa. 1943 - Allies invade Cecily. Italian armies are collapsing. Tremendous strain on Germany. Food shortage and people's health deteriorating.

Unwanted race extermination - cyanide. America and Britain invade Italy. German paratropper rescue Mussolini and he will live to be hung . 1944 - Bombing on German cities bombed. Everything destroyed. Hitler dread begin to fade. June 1944, attacks on Germany increase. Hitler's health was deteriorating but his mental health was intact. German's removed from armenia. bulgaria, yugoslavia and greece. German troops are destroyed by Russians and troops surrender in thousands. America and Britain intensify attack. Hitler goes to Berlin. Berlin is bombed and gunned day and night. Total chaos. Civilians fleeing for life. April 20, 1945 - Russians closeby. Hitler goes into a bunker with Eva. What a bloody fight! April 29 - Hitler calls his pilot and gives final orders. Bormen to burn corpses of Hitler and Eva. What a finish for this man! Total devastation.

Hitler shot himself and Eva poison. Bodies burned and tossed into a ditch. Corpses burn from 1:30 to 7:30. Berlin is in total ruins and a permanant scar.

Last part of the speech is well written to serve the purpose of ending the movie.

Hitler was an Austrian?! and fighting for Germany!?

Thursday 24 December 2009

The Garden (2008)

Story about a piece of industrial land which was burnt down in riots in LA. A group of people (South Central Farmers SC) starts cultivating the land and then the owner (X) wants the land back. There is an influential group (CC) which plans to make a soccer ground. The legal battle goes on.

I guess SC have done a very good work of cultivating the land, doing good farming and creating green space in the city. It is the largest Urban Firm - some 14 hectares/acres. They have an attachment with the land and they have done a lot for it. But in the end the land belongs to X. So he definitely has the right. The City Council wrongly sold the land to X keeping some records secret and not announcing it in public - some sort of back door affair - natural in big deals. Now X asked to sell the land to SC farmers if they can pay 16 million. They did a show, lot of support from some famous people. On the day of eviction, the site is converted into a military base with 100s of policemen surrounding the site. SC are defeated. Bulldozer destroy everything, which is sad. Apart from City Council selling the property wrongly to X, X deserved the property legally. Now what is more important is a matter of discussion. Legality or people. The site is destroyed and looks pathetic. Lady from CC looks very evil and thinks she is everything and nothing can challenge her. The good thing is that SC was given land somewhere else. These people are doing some very good farming on it. Actually all these conflicts should be avoided in the first place. People should be made aware of their rights and duties and that they should not use somebody else's property. SC were good people but unfortunately they were on a land that belonged to somebody. No one would like to give up their rights. Another bad thing is that X has not done anything with the site for two years - its just barren. I guess it would have been better with SC. Atleast they would have grown some vegetables and fed few more people. Its a waste land right now. There should be some points for intentions also along with legality. Not sure though.

Know Your Mushrooms (2008)

Ok movie and few people would like it. specially mushroom lovers. Gives some insight into significance of mushrooms and its really nice to see some variety of mushrooms and myths associated with them.

Movie Related Notes
There is a 'tellurride mushroom festival' - nice to know. Festival opens with ringing of a bowl. Fungal netwark beneath the soil which helps to sustain the planet.

Fun with fungi

Armillaria ostoyae - honey mushroom - 3.4 miles square and still growing is the largest living organism.

Clyde Fisher - the world of Fungus American documentary.

Fungus develops into a network of tube and continues to grow underground - in darkness, moist places.

Amazon Rainforests in Bolivia. Larry's home place. 300 species of mushrooms in 4 days. No people in America know about mushrooms - no traditional history with it. What they know is what is available in the shop.

An ad about mushrooms. Person talks about vested of companies against people picking up wild mushrooms.

Expedition for mushrooms. Only few mushrooms are dangerous. Phenolic smelling mushrooms could be dangerous. Clean the sides of mushrooms to leave the fertile parts on site to allow them to grow.

Truffles mushroom grow below ground and use pigs to use find them out. Bioilluminasac mushrooms glow at night.

Mushrooms as spiritual ally in history. Mysterious mushrooms. fairy tales. Mushrooms can .

Mushroom takes control of an ant's nervous system and directs it to particular place.

Oyster mushrooms can restore polluted soil to its original soil. It can be used to treat oil affected areas. They are edible.

Capitalism: A Love Story - Movie quality is not good but it doesnt matter - its a documentary not a sci-fi film with state-of-the-art visual and sound effects. (",)

Nice movie about capitalism and its effects on American Politics and common people. This has been a blatant attack on Bush administration responsible for economic crisis and that it had be very well planned to evade money for selected few. Cites few examples of people revolting for their rights and getting success. Unless you shout, nobody in this world is going to listen to you.

Rest of the text is my personal notes of the events of the movie. You may not want to read it.
Notes of the movie
Starts with comparison of Rome and America. Slow Decay of Empire and use of entertainment of common people to distract their attention and then rule successfully.

Eviction of people - middle class families - from their houses and their sufferings.

Condo Vultures - real estate company - they take up properties for less and sell for high - thats capitalism. No compassion - only numbers. Tap data of the battle field and then hunt for the best property.

Lucrative explaination of Capitalism few decades earlier to promote the idea. Profit is the main motive. Quick money making possibilities. Luxuries that can be achieved - new car, safe pension, holidays, highways, no debts, etc.

Jimmy Carter - human identity not by what one does but what one owns. worship consumption. this is a warning.

Ronald Reagan from B movies to most famous spokesman to president. - Great move.

Donald Reagan (Donald Thomas Regan (December 21, 1918 – June 10, 2003) was the 66th United States Secretary of the Treasury, from 1981 to 1985, and Chief of Staff from 1985 to 1987 in the Ronald Reagan Administration, where he advocated "Reaganomics" and tax cuts to create jobs and stimulate production.), Meryl Lynch - richest firm in the world.

Corporate america and wall street in complete control. Country run as corporation. Record

Destroy the union. Wages for working remain frozen. Encouragement to live on credit. Health care shot up. Richest become richer. Wall street flourishes. Bankruptcy increases.

GM layoff thousands instead of making profit. 'May be layoff all the people.' says GM.

Michael Moore to see the chairman of GM. Germany and Japan car industry makes better car. MM's dad worked in GM. Workers fired up which were in union.

President says Capitalism is the best. Easy jobs. Advocates free market system.

PA Child Care. Owned by Robert and judge Cunnigham was his friend. Few kids charged in courtroom. Chevrol??? was the judge. No child had any say and all kids sent to child care. Judges and company receive a lot of money. 6500 children convicted and good business. Kids locked up more than their convicted period.

Sully - airline pilot who prevented a crash. He gaves a tremendous speech giving negatives of flying industry. Bad pay and handling of pilots. Financial trouble causing stress to the pilot. Pilots working in coffee shop as second jobs.

Dead employees are profitable to company than alive. Company gets money when employee dies. 'I dont believe this policy.' Walmart and a young woman who dies. Walmart got $81000. Dead peasants insurance policy.

Father Dick Preston says capitalism is evil. Contrary to holy books and humanity. Father Peter Dou.. Bishop Thomas - Jesus said Blessed are the poor but here is opposite.

Competition is good and private ownership. Compatible with teachings of bible. Is it?

Jesus became a capitalist? Go forward and maximize profits?

Citigroup - plutonomy - society controlled by 1% of population. Only power that people have is votes. Why would 99% vote them? People are given hopes that if they work hard, they can come up and win. But no one at the top wants to share the wealth. No mention of capitalism in constitution. But mentions of 'we the people', development.

ISTHMUS company - all worker are owners and democratically run.

FOA - Friends of Angelo - important people in politics and wall street. Senator Dodd.

Bill Blank - bank regulators. uncovered saving and loan scandal. Charles Keating a culprit. White collar crime - 85% of fraud is by CEOs of comapny and not by common people. Casino named stocked market.

George Bush's comments on coming crisis on common people. 'If the speech is original, it is really pathetic by a president.' He is breaking people's moral. Breaking of market and banking system. Stocks falling of all major companies - leahman, merill lynch, aig, boeing. Largest fall in US history and then alls gone in moments with longlasting effects.

CEO and top officials of banks - citi - vikram pandit, goldman sachs - Lloyd Blankfein, Bank of America - Ken Lewis - become richest. Robert Rubin. made $115000000.

Lary Summers - treasury secretary 99 to 01. making lot of money. Advising Hedge Fund.

Geithner - treasury secretary - 09 till date - most of the institutions under him had failed yet got the job by completely screwing up his job as president of federal reserve. False is prefered than truth.

Henry paulson - treasury secretary form goldman sachs. Tresury is an arm of wall street and number of former goldman people in bush's department. Powerful lobbiest and abolish financial regulations. Tremendous advantage to Goldman and emerge as the most powerful.

Paulson's proposal - 700 billion dollars and may not be reviewed by any court law. Just before election. So tremendous pressure. Bad rule if people voted no. Use of fear and uncertainity to extreme - excellent politics.

Bush re-elected. Marcy Kaptur, Ohio - warns of committee's power to shut down democracy. United States Congress or Board of Goldman Sachs. Bail out package was defeated. Congress defeated. Citibank comment 'if peasants exercised rights, wealthy would be defeated.' Democrats becoming delivery man for a proposal for republican president.

Congress eventually won the proposal and gave banks the money 263-171. Carefully planned. Intelligence operation. 'Quite true, decisions at such high level do not happen without expertise. Its simple, they have all the power and situation to do it.'

Eli Warren - for oversight of bailout money - she has no idea - 50 million dollar by citigroup for luxury jet. Great bonus to GS. AIG board meeting in a resort.

MM trying to get money from banks - which was more of a show off. No one would give the money like that. Corporate greed. People revolt.

And there came another voice - Barack Obama - for change. Companies shelling out money to his campaign. Obama says about distributing money. Socialism. Joe the plumber by Palin. Fear. Obama leading the poll and new generation.

Bernard Sanders - independent. Capitalism and socialism equally favoured by people. Obama is a huge craze. Girl crying. Obama winning. Two years and everything changed. Country electrified by his victory.

Detroit saying no more foreclosures. Policies in favour of banks changing. No free market. Neighbourhood closes. Revolutions begin in unexpected places. Inside a van, Miami Florida. Trodi?? family liberates the houses and people start moving. People fighting back and people arguing. Family holding their ground. People support them.

Member of congress - open rebellion - asking people not to leave the house for companies. Outstanding.

Workers in chicago - said not ok to be fired, no medi benefits. Sit down strike in the company. Inspirational. People prepared to be arrested, not going anywhere. Media showed up. Bank robber of america. Bishop of chicago - it is just to revolt against unjustice and announces his support. Now religion is in the picture - complex situation. Obama support comes.

Same things in Michi, Masse, North Carolina. Worker union triumphs. Fight fight fight for your rights - basic things.

1936 - GM factory took up by people for 44 days. First union to beat corporate. Police and thugs charged and bloody battle. National guard sent to protect people inside. Roosevelt.

Roosevelt - second bill of rights to constitution - radical step - Equality, right to remumeration, adequate food, right to raise and sell his product at a rate which can give him and his family a decent living. Businessman - freedom from unfair competition, medical health, education, security for people, move forward to implementation of these laws. Roosevelt died and no laws passed. People crying in his funeral.

People of Europe and Japan got it. Because roosevelt's people were involved in rewriting the constitution. Italy - women equal. Germany - state has rights to take steps good for country. Japan - worker union legal.

People who never got slice of pie have to suffer.

CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS - against all financial institutions by MM. Nice move.

Throw Down Your Heart, African Music, Banjo

Video Link:

My first blog. Did not know that I would kick off with African Music. But may be an ideal start - from the land where human civilization started.

Amazing Journey by an American Bela Fleck to Africa in search of African Traditional Music. Uganda, Tanzania, Gambia, Mali.

I almost dont have any in depth knowledge about music - any format. I am more like a common man who listens to and appreciates music if it matches my taste.

Music deeply embedded in the african culture. Traditional musical instruments - wow - cannot imagine such simple things could be so good.

There is definitely much more in Africa than ruthless rulers, mass killings, wars and exploitation. I am happy that they are sticking to basics of life rather than falling for consumerist attitude. The video also give idea of basic life

Akonting - musical instrument made from local materials - You do not need highly precise machinery and computer software to create excellent product. I wonder if we really need to measure the frequencies and notes. This is my first feeling. I believed that we need precision to the last mm, modern technical expertise and processes but I am wrong.

In the beginning they play a very big instrument with wooden planks placed side by side which is played by many people. I wonder how they co-ordinate and change the beats simultaneously. Also the hand piano was amazing. Everyone is a singer there.

In one scene Bela is writing notes in a book. All those symbols on lined book. Well, these people need no notes. Music flows from their heart. Thats the best. I do not criticize writing notes though. Its fine.